Legal Suspense and Mystery Author
Michael Biehl's new legal suspense novel, For Dear Life, is out in June, 2023.
Mike's most recent mystery short story, A Crack in the Sidewalk, appears in the September, 2022 edition of Mystery Magazine.
Mystery Magazine presents original short stories by the world's best known and emerging authors. It is available on Amazon, or at mysteryweekly.com.
Simutaneously with the release of the Karen Hayes mystery novel, NURSING A GRUDGE, Pineapple Press released new editions of the first two Karen Hayes mysteries, originally published by Bridge Works. DOCTORED EVIDENCE and LAWYERED TO DEATH are now available in paperback.
Author appearance at Barnes and Noble, Sarasota, Florida, March 11, 2019, at noon. Meet Mike and get a signed copy of A Thoroughly Bad Individual.
Author! Author! Article by Michael Biehl in Mystery Readers Journal
​The summer edition of Mystery Readers Journal, a publication of Mystery Readers International (the largest mystery fan/reader organization in the world) is all about mysteries with a Chicago connection. Mike's article in the Author! Author! section of the journal, entitled "Chicago Blues," explains why he chose an exurb of Chicago as the setting for the Karen Hayes mystery series. Go to www.mysteryreaders.org for this and other issues of the Mystery Readers Journal.
Author appearance at Mystery One Bookstore, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Mike talked about mystery writing and signed copies of NURSING A GRUDGE and the other Karen Hayes mystery novels at Mystery One Bookstore, 2109 N. Prospect Avenue, Milwaukee, Wisconsin on Friday, September 20, 2013, at 7:00 PM. Go to www.mysteryone.com for more information on author events.
Author appearance at Barnes and Noble, Sarasota Florida
Mike talked about the Karen Hayes mystery series and signed copies of NURSING A GRUDGE at Barnes and Noble, 4010 S. Tamiami Trail, Sarasota, Florida, on Friday, November 22, 2013, at 2:00 PM.